Glass Fused to Steel Tanks vs Membrane Lined Tanks

Selecting the right tank for large-scale liquid storage is crucial for efficiency, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Among the various options, glass fused to steel tanks or glass-lined tanks, and membrane lined tanks stand out. This post compares these two types of tanks, highlighting why bolted, membrane lined tanks from ModuTank Inc. are a superior choice, over other coated tanks on the market. 

Glass Fused to Steel Tanks Overview:

Glass fused to steel tanks, also known as glass-lined tanks, are constructed by fusing a layer of glass to steel. This creates a non-porous, durable surface that combines the strength of steel with the corrosion resistance of glass. The fusion of glass and steel results in a robust structure that can withstand harsh environments and is highly resistant to corrosion. The smooth, non-porous glass surface prevents sediment buildup. These tanks have a long service life due to their high resistance to environmental factors.


  • Durability
  • Low Maintenance
  • Longevity


  • Substantially higher initial cost
  • Installation complexity
  • Significantly longer lead-times
  • Generally require expensive foundations

The advanced manufacturing process and materials result in a higher upfront cost compared to membrane lined options. Specialized installation techniques are required to ensure the integrity of the glass lining, adding to the overall cost and time required for deployment. We find that our lead-times are less than half of GFtS options. Additionally, ModuTank Inc. tanks do not always require formal foundations, the way GFtS tanks typically do. 

Membrane Lined Tanks Overview:

Membrane lined tanks consist of a structural shell, usually constructed from hot-dip galvanized or stainless steel, and then lined internally with a flexible membrane. This membrane acts as a barrier, preventing the stored liquid from coming into direct contact with the structural shell. Our membranes are the only wetted surface in our tanks. The liners can be easily replaced, extending the tank’s overall lifespan and reducing costs. ModuTank’s membrane lined tanks have a significantly lower initial capital cost compared to glass fused to steel tanks. The economical materials and construction methods make them a budget-friendly option. These tanks are straightforward to install, requiring less specialized labor. Specialized installation crews are not a requirement and most general contractors can install our products. The liner can be easily fitted and replaced if necessary, simplifying installation and maintenance. Our flexible membranes allow for tanks to be fitted without a true bottom and also, can be installed on compacted earth. Our tanks can easily be relocated and even reconfigured, for installation at a new site. ModuTank offers various reinforced liners tailored to specific needs, such as chemical resistance or potable water, enhancing their applicability across different industries. The materials used in the liners are recyclable, reducing waste and aligning with environmentally responsible practices. Even without welding our tanks or otherwise coating them, they still have a multi-decade life expectancy. 

Advantages of ModuTank’s Membrane Lined Tanks:

  • Cost-Effective & lower cost per-gallon
  • Ease of Installation
  • Formal foundations are not always required
  • Flexibility and Customizability
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Resilience

In conclusion: 

While glass fused to steel tanks are certainly a viable option for many storage requirements, the advantages of ModuTank’s membrane lined tanks make them the superior choice for most applications. Their cost-effectiveness, ease of installation, flexibility, resilience in various environments, and environmental sustainability provide a comprehensive solution for liquid storage needs. When considering storage options, ModuTank’s 50+ year history behind our “tried and true” time-tested membrane lined tanks, stand out as the overall better choice for efficiency, reliability, and long-term savings.

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