Tank Longevity

Durable and Maintenance-Free Design

Bolted steel tanks from Modutank Inc. are engineered for longevity and minimal maintenance. Our tanks have no moving parts and feature hot-dip galvanized structural supports, mill-galvanized wall panels, and reinforced liners. Our liners require no maintenance and offer exceptional weathering and UV resistance. A simple walk-around visual inspection and occasional touch-up by one person is generally sufficient maintenance. Robust design throughout ensures that your tank will remain functional and reliable with minimal upkeep.

Galvanized Steel for Long Life

Hot-dip galvanized structural steel tank components, ensure a life expectancy of many decades, depending on environmental conditions. While mill-galvanized components and G-90 wall panels may develop spots or surface imperfections more quickly than our structural supports, all galvanized parts are easily maintained at long duration intervals, by wire brushing and applying a coat of cold galvanizing. Importantly, our wall panels are not structural; their primary role is to contain liners within steel frames, contributing to the overall durability and longevity of the tank.

Long-Lasting Membrane Liners

Our tank liners are engineered for durability and can last well over 2-decades before needing replacement, depending on the environmental conditions and composition of the stored liquid. A lifespan of 20+ years is common for our 45-mil liners. Liners can be replaced without dismantling the steel structure, making maintenance straightforward and cost-effective. Our reinforced liners are extremely stable, weather and UV-resistant, ensuring they can withstand harsh environmental conditions while maintaining their integrity and protective qualities.

Cost-Effective and Easy Installation

ModuTank Inc.’s line of tanks are not only durable, but also cost-effective and easy to install. Our unique tanks are easily installed free-standing on virtually any compacted, flat, or level surface and do not require expensive footings as some welded or glass-fused-to-steel products would. This significantly reduces site preparation costs and simplifies the installation process. Our tanks offer an economical solution without compromising quality or performance, making them an ideal choice for various applications. With a potential steel structure lifespan of over 40 years, our tanks represent an economical long-term investment for your storage needs.

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