Water is the very essence of life. We rely on clean, safe water to supply our body with essential nutrients in all sorts of ways. So when water is stored, treated, and used for direct human consumption, extra caution needs to be exercised.
There are approximately 16,000 municipal wastewater treatment facilities currently operating throughout the United States. These treatment facilities ensure that this wastewater can be safely released back into the environment or reused through water reclamation. Reclaimed water is used in everything from agricultural irrigation to residential toilets. In some cases, it can even be treated to reach the required standards for drinking water.
But what if you’re looking to store water that’s already fit to drink? This is where potable water storage tanks come in.
Potable water refers to H2O that’s safe to drink or use in food preparation without any health or safety risks. Non-potable water, on the other hand, refers to untreated water that doesn’t meet these standards. Water from lakes, springs, and ground wells would fall under this category.
The problem is that even if water does meet potable standards, storing it in any old tank will render it non-potable. Many plastic tanks are produced using materials that don’t meet potable regulations, which make them unsuitable for storing drinking water. These holding tanks can be used to hold water in certain cases, like with rainwater collection, as long as that water isn’t going to be consumed by humans.
Potable water containers are the only kind of storage tank that can be used for drinking water. Potable water storage tanks specifically have to conform to Potable Water Standards and Regulations laid out by WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme). This means that the drinking water you store in these tanks will be completely safe for consumption.
Just as important are the fact that these tanks can easily be used in natural disasters. Portable potable water tanks make it possible for residents to get clean, safe water during hurricanes, earthquakes, and other emergencies. When situations turn dire, portable potable water tanks can be shipped and set up quickly so that people can access the water they need to live. Whether they’re required for the short term or on a more permanent basis, these portable potable water tanks provide unrivaled protection for everyone.
Whether or not most people realize it, potable water tanks are just as important to residents’ every day lives as the water they drink. To find out more about our water tank rentals or storage tanks for sale, contact ModuTank today.