Avoid Hurricane Tragedies by Storing Potable Water

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria more than half of Puerto Ricans lacked access to potable water. Since Puerto Rico is an island, supplies couldn’t simply be shipped over land. With ports and airfields damaged, supplies were slow to reach those in need. When Hurricane Irma hit Florida and Hurricane Harvey slammed into Texas, many people and organizations also found themselves scrambling to find potable water.

A healthy human can go weeks without eating food. Even under an ideal situation, a fit adult would struggle to survive a few days without water. Most people will begin suffering adverse health effects within only 24 hours of water deprivation. Within a few days, these health effects can become extreme. Further, once people start moving around and sweating, their bodies will quickly be depleted of water. Elderly individuals likewise will struggle to last more than a day or two without water.

A small family might be able to get through a natural disaster with several cases of water. However, individual water bottles and other grocery store solutions are not enough for large organizations. Retirement homes, hospitals, and other organizations need to have more practical, large-scale potable water storage solutions. Anyone managing livestock or other operations that require potable water will also need large amounts of water.

With water being such a precious resource, Modutank works hard to provide several potable water storage solutions.

Bladder Tanks – Perfect for Emergency Response

Bladder tanks are large, durable “pouches” that can be stored just about anywhere, and filled with potable water on demand. These tanks can be set up either indoors or outdoors. If a major storm is threatening your region, it would make sense to set up the potable water bladder tank in a sheltered area.

Bladder tanks start at 160 gallons, which is perfect for families and can be set up in a relatively small space. To put this into perspective, a normal sized bathtub can hold approximately 100 gallons. The largest bladder tanks can reach 210,000 gallons. This is sufficient water for many large facilities. Of course, if more water is needed, multiple bladder tanks can be set up.

Importantly, when bladder tanks are not being used, they can be collapsed and stored. Small bladder tanks can be stored in a closet. Larger tanks will need a bit more space, but the requirements are still quite small. The ability to quickly store bladder tanks makes them ideal for facilities in hurricane-prone regions. You won’t always need a supply of potable water on hand, but if a hurricane is heading your way, you can quickly fill up your bladder tank.

Steel Tank Storage Solutions for Potable Water

If you need to store a larger amount of water, you can set up an Econotank, ModuTank, or a similar galvanized steel tank. Then, using a potable water liner, you can store huge amounts of water. These tanks can then be covered with either steel covers, floating covers, or another covering solution. ModuTanks can hold millions of gallons of liquid. These tanks can be permanently installed to provide an affordable, long-term potable water solution. Econotanks can hold up to 2.5 million gallons and can be installed on a temporary basis. Econotanks can be rented.

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