The environment is a precious resource that we must conserve and protect. We only have one world. We have to care for it and share it. Accidents happen. Oil spills, chemical leaks, floods that threaten to overwhelm existing infrastructure. Many of our clients select our storage tanks in order to contain hazardous materials and to prevent said materials from contaminating the environment.
Unfortunately, many sites have already been damaged by pollution. One common use for our storage tanks is to store contaminated soil, water, and other environmental media. Through environmental remediation, contaminated soil and water can be removed from the environment, stored safely in a storage tank, and then treated appropriately.
Different Types of Environmental Remediation
Environmental remediation refers to cleaning the environment and removing hazardous materials. There are several types of environmental remediation. In-situ refers to treating media, such as soil, without removing it. Ex-situ means removing the media and then treating it. Some more specific methods include:
- Excavation
- Thermal desorption
- Pump and treat
- Oxidation
- Solidification and stabilization
- Bioremediation
- Soil vapor extraction
How Remediation Works
Remediation specialists will visit a site, identify the pollutants, and then determine how to remove those pollutants. Environmental remediation can be carried out on a variety of environmental media. Topsoil, subsoil, and sentiment can all be treated. Groundwater and surface water can also be treated.
Environmental remediation can sometimes be accomplished without removing contaminated soil or water. However, it is often necessary to remove it and then treat it. This is where storage units can come into play.
A Quick Thought Experiment: Using Environmental Remediation and Storage Tanks to Protect the Environment
Let’s put this into an example. Let’s say your company manages a farm. An accident happened, and a large amount of pesticides leaked into a patch of soil. You want to prevent the pesticides from spreading into more soil and also the groundwater. So you quickly dig up the contaminated soil. Except now it’s sitting in your parking lot. Not only is this creating a huge mess, but the risk of contamination remains.
Sure, the pesticides might not leak through the cement, for now. What if a storm comes? What’s your long-term solution for the soil? If it sits there, it’ll most likely make its way into the environment at some point. With environmental remediation you can use a variety of methods to treat the soil, and then you can return it to the environment.
First, however, you need to isolate the contaminated soil. One quick and easy way to do so is to rent an EconoTank with the appropriate liner. Then you can store the soil in it. These above ground tanks are made of galvanized steel and can be set up very quickly. A single Econotank can hold millions of gallons of material, and secondary containment measures can be implemented if necessary. Covers are also available.
EconoTanks are great for both long-term and short-term solutions. If you’re looking for a longer-term solution, however, different above ground storage tanks may be better in a given situation. If soil, water, or another substance must be removed and isolated, an above ground storage tank is the perfect solution.
Using Pollution Storage Tanks to Prevent Pollution (and thus Remediation)
Environmental remediation is a great method that companies can use to protect and repair the environment. Of course, the best solution to pollution is prevention. Fracking operations, industrial production, and other activities can generate a considerable amount of harmful waste. Above ground storage tanks can be used to contain this waste and to prevent it from ever leaking in the environment.
Econotanks and other above ground solutions can be set up quickly. It may be possible to set up a tank even as an emergency is developing. Depending on the situation, you may be able to isolate the contaminants before they seep into the environment. Secondary containment with additional liners and walls can provide additional protection. If hazardous materials are at risk of leaking into the environment, moving it into a safe storage system will reduce risks.